This course relates economic laws as they apply to the fiscal management of the Philippine Government. In a developing country, government policy greatly influences its economy. The budget as a tool for economic planning and the mechanism for the delivery of social services are discussed and analyzed. Emphasis shall be given to problems of resource management, internal and external debt management, investment decision, and price policy of government. Also discussed are the socio-economic considerations in revenue raising, the benefit-cost considerations in the expenditures of the government, and the investment decisions of the government. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours

The law and practice in the management of government in the national, local and corporate levels of the Republic are reviewed and examined, with focus on the existing administrative system. The course also includes crisis management in face of existing conditions. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours

This course defines government accounting as distinguished from private accounting; its uses for management information, planning, resource allocation, and policy-making; and the current issues affecting government and public enterprise operations. Emphasis is laid on fund accounting, accrual accounting, inflation accounting, depreciation accounting, and inventories. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours

This course concentrates on the history and development of public finance in the country starting from our independence up to the present as well as the existing adopted policies, including monetary matters, and a critique of such policies and practices. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours

This course covers the accepted practices of state audit by supreme audit institutions as developed among progressive countries, the Audit Code of the Philippines; rules and regulations of the Commission on Audit (COA), state audit standards adopted in our country, and the state audit manual. Emphasis is given to state audit practice in our country as compared to new developments in the profession. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours

The objective of this course is the development of evaluative skills with emphasis on performance or program audit and the requirements of economy, effectiveness, and efficiency. Project monitoring and project appraisal as developed by the United Nations development agencies and the World Bank agencies shall be included in skill development. Credit: 3 units; 3 hours a week; 54 hours